10th Anniversary Program
Opening Ceremony
Press Conference of "Asia's first State-of-the-Art Computer Assisted OrthopaedicsLaboratory"
The 20th Comprehensive Bioskill Course on Fracture Fixation & AADO Symposium andWorkshop 2009
Train-the-trainer Workshop on Fall and Fracture Prevention
Research Program "2009 Musculoskeletal Imaging Workshop"
Forum on Orthopaedic Education and Training Education and Training of OrthopaedicSurgeons - Challenges and Changes
The 14th OLC Advanced Trauma Course: Workshop-symposium on Computer-Aided OrthopaedicSurgery
Hong Kong International Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar 2009
Certificate Course for Family Physicians and General Practitioners on MaintainingBone Health and Preventing Falls and Fractures in the Elderly
The 15th Advanced Trauma Course
CME Course for Family Physicians and General Practitioners on Maintaining Bone Healthand Preventing Falls and Fractures in the Elderly - The Ortho-geriatric Discipline
Arthroscopy Workshop
Microsurgery Basic Course 2009
The 21st CUHK- AADO Comprehensive Bioskill Course on Fracture Fixation
MIMICS workshop: Advance Medical Imaging Solution for Orthopaedic Applications